Copyright (C) 2009 to 2013 Chris Vine This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. A copy of the GNU General Public License version 2 is set out below. You can also obtain a written copy from the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA OVERVIEW This program is a front end for udisks2 and mount. It provides a means of mounting devices with udisks2 through a graphical interface. It is principally intended for use where (i) the user does not want to make use of the automounting facilities of say, nautilus, as and when removable media are inserted in or removed from a computer, (ii) the removable media are not recognised by nautilus (or whatever else is used for automounting), or (iii) the user wants to be able to mount filesystems on user demand which are not removable media, such as network filesystems. A separate 1.0 series of this program is available which uses pmount instead of udisks2, for those who prefer pmount. The 1.0 series is still maintained. A 1.2 series is also available which used udisks (as opposed to udisks2) and is also still maintained. The 1.0 and 1.2 series can also be compiled with older versions of gcc than this 1.4 series (they should compile with gcc-3.2 or above if c++-gtk-utils-1.2 is used). USE A graphical table of devices which may be mounted is provided by the program. This comprises the conventional device name (eg /dev/hdc) together with a convenience identification label for each device. Normal udisk rules apply - the device will be mounted in the /media directory at a mount point derived from the mounted partition's label name unless the device appears in /etc/fstab, in which case it will be mounted at the point referred to in /etc/fstab. Network filesystems or FUSE filesystems may be specified as a device in the mount-gtk table, because although they are not block devices mountable my udisks, mount-gtk will hand off mounting to 'mount' (but as they are not block devices in /dev they must also be specified in /etc/fstab). If a block device is not stated in /etc/fstab, then whether the user has permission to mount the device depends on PolicyKit permissions, and in particular on the org.freedesktop.udisks2.filesystem-mount and org.freedesktop.udisks2.filesystem-mount-system authorisations. If the device is stated in /etc/fstab, then whether the user has permission to mount the device depends on the permissions given in /etc/fstab. Note that unlike pmount as used in the 1.0 series of this program, the identification label supplied by the user in the table of devices in the 1.2 and 1.4 series of this program is just a GUI identification label for the convenience of the user. This is a limitation in the implementation of udisks. However, unless the user selects otherwise from the program preferences, if a device is mounted, its mount point will be shown as a tooltip if the mouse is held over its mount button. To mount a device at a user-chosen directory in /media, either the relevant partition of the device to be mounted must be labelled with the name in question, say using tune2fs, or the mount-point must be specified in /etc/fstab. In summary: - block devices need no special attention and will be mounted by udisks in the /media directory unless specified in /etc/fstab, in which case they will be mounted at the mount point specified in /etc/fstab (but to do so /etc/fstab must state them as 'user' mountable). - file systems which are not block devices having a device file in /dev, such as network file systems and FUSE file systems, must be specified in /etc/fstab in every case and stated as 'user' mountable. The program is built as a single-instance program - if the user attempts to start it when another instance of it is already running, the existing instance will be brought up on the current desktop. It will therefore not usually be necessary to mark it as displayable on all desktops - instead a normal program launcher for mount-gtk can be placed in the desktop panel and clicked on when the user wants it presented, or (if the tray icon option is chosen) the user can left-click on the tray_icon to bring up an already running instance of the program. The program displays current mount state (if a mount button has a green tag, then the device concerned is not mounted, and if it shows a red tag it is already mounted). Mount status is monitored using glib's gio. The program may be started with a -s option, which will start the program hidden in the system tray. DEPENDENCIES Dependences are: udisks2 >= 1.94.0 glib >= 2.26.0 gtk+2 >= 2.12.0 or gtk+3 >= 2.99.0 c++-gtk-utils-2.0 >= 2.0.9 or c++-gtk-utils-2.2 >= 2.1.0 A compiler supporting C++11 lambda expressions and range-for is required, which means that if using gcc, gcc >= 4.6 is needed. gtk+3 is supported. See further under "GTK VERSIONS" for further particulars about gtk+3. c++-gtk-utils can be obtained from c++-gtk-utils-2.0 and c++-gtk-utils-2.2 will compile under either GTK+2 or GTK+3. To compile for GTK+2, configure them with './configure-gtk2', and to compile for GTK+3, configure them with './configure-gtk3'. It is also recommended, but not required, that libnotify >= 0.7.1 is installed so that if there is a mounting error or some other problem, an appropriate message can be displayed conveniently to the user. From glib-2.44, where linux is the operating system /etc/mtab should be a link to /proc/mounts or /proc/self/mounts for this program to work correctly. GTK VERSIONS The program can compile against GTK+3 as well as GTK+2. Whichever one of those has c++-gtk-utils compiled for it will be picked automatically by the configure script. If c++-gtk-utils has been parallel installed for both GTK+2 and GTK+3, GTK+3 will be preferred, but if mount-gtk is configured with the '--with-gtk-version=gtk2' option, then the program will be configured and compiled against GTK+2 instead. To compile against GTK+3, GTK+ >= 2.99.0 is required. The mount-gtk configuration option '--with-gtk-version' can also be given the values 'gtk3' and 'auto'. If 'gtk3' is given, then c++-gtk-utils must have been compiled and installed against GTK+3 if configuration is to succeed; if 'auto' is given, then the effect is the same as if the '--with-gtk-version' option had not been used. DBUS The program operates as a single-instance program, and in order to do so a dbus session message bus must be running. Most recent distributions using GNOME, KDE or Xfce do this anyway, but if your X environment does not start a session bus, you may need to start one yourself in the script which starts your X session. To do this you can put the following in the script (this will often be a xinitrc file in /etc/X11/xinit, but might be ~/.xsession or ~/.Xclients): if test -z "$DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS" ; then eval `dbus-launch --sh-syntax --exit-with-session` echo "D-Bus per-session daemon address is: $DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS" fi However, before amending your scripts, test whether this is necessary, by trying to launch the program, or by bringing up a terminal (such as xterm, gnome-terminal or konsole) and seeing if 'echo $DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS' reports anything. (Usually it won't be necessary to amend your scripts.) If an attempt to start the program is made without the session message bus running then an error dialog will be shown and the program will then terminate. UDEV With removable media, it is often convenient to give the media a particular device name (say /dev/ipod instead of /dev/sdb2). udev can do this with an appropriate rule - see for information on how to write udev rules. FUSE FILESYSTEMS mount-gtk can be used to mount and unmount FUSE filesystems, where the mount point is specified in /etc/fstab. It can thus mount and unmount, for example, curlftpfs or sshfs. Note that with sshfs, prompt-free login must be available, unless the prompt is for a passphrase on an authentication key via a ssh authentication tool with graphical interface, such as gnome-keyring or the KDE graphical key authenticator. This means that public/private key authentication must be employed, and if there is a passphrase on the key (as is recommended), either a graphical interface such as gnome-keyring or the equivalent KDE tool must be employed, or the X start-up script should start ssh-agent and export its environmental variables (see 'man 1 ssh-agent') with ssh-add called before the mounting of the ssh share is carried out (see 'man 1 ssh-add'). To unmount a FUSE file system with mount-gtk, the device name shown in /etc/mtab when mounted must be the same as the device name in /etc/fstab. Not all FUSE filesystems do this, and in those cases it is necessary to specify the device name to be given in /etc/mtab with the FUSE 'fsname=' option. This is the device name which must also be specified in mount-gtk. In the case of network file systems such as sshfs or curlftpfs, if the network is lost the unmount may hang. In such cases calling fusermount -z on the relevant mount point by hand may help, or if not it may be necessary to kill the file system process. A typical /etc/fstab entry for sshfs might be: sshfs#[username]@[address]:/home/[username] /home/[username]/remote fuse reconnect,compression=yes,noauto,user,fsname=sshfs#[username]@[address]:/home/[username] 0 0 A typical /etc/fstab entry for curlftpfs might be: curlftpfs# /mnt/kernel fuse allow_other,noauto,user,fsname=curlftpfs# 0 0 A typical /etc/fstab entry for obexfs and bluetooth might be: obexfs#-bXX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX /mnt/bluetooth fuse allow_other,noauto,user,fsname=obexfs#-bXX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX 0 0 The 'allow_other' option will allow other users to access the mounted share. It is of no effect unless the line: user_allow_other appears in /etc/fuse.conf. It would not generally be appropriate for a home directory, as it would give all users access to the mounted share with the identity and permissions of the logged in user. Another possible option is 'allow_root'.